That wonderful little book in the white envelope you get every month is one of the better benefits of PCA membership. It really is worth the price of membership alone. Betty Jo Turner and her photographer husband do a solid job of bringing club and Porsche news every month.
So, I was really pleased when they agreed to run my piece about building a Porsche 944 race car. It is nice to see a bit of low cost Porsche news in Panorama as it is usually full of expensive cars, trips and racing.
The article was fun to write and the pics came out great thanks to my wife and Cooper Naitove, who took the big action shot that is the main photo of the article.
Nice bro.
Hi, Kevin,
Enjoyed your article. I'm super impressed with your very creative (and tasty) negotiation skills and even more with how you were able to build this race car in your driveway in Denver. My cousin Franco lived there for 3-4 years and I know how cold it is over there.
It goes to show that with a sheer dedication (and a little Blue Moon) anyone can create a Porsche Race Car!! I particularly like the 901 reference on the car...a touch of humor I see....now probably more salient after Peugeot's 1/2 win at Sebring. ;-|
Hats off!
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