With my first race fast approaching I am trying to get the Writer Racing SPEC 944 up to date.
And, good or bad, the first race is a three-hour enduro. Although temperatures in Colorado at the September should be in the mid seventies, if it is sunny, the track temperatures will be much higher. As a not so smart co-worker once said, "We are only a mile from the sun you know."
I ordered the non-thermostat kit and ten row cooler from BATinc. The kit includes a sandwich plate that goes between the oil filter and housing, lines, fittings and the cooler.
Installation is easy but tedious. I have no idea how you would squeeze one in a car with A/C, power steering and other options. It would be tight. But without these items in place finding a spot behind the empty foglight area was easy.
I had to make some brackets out of some steel stock I had lying around. You can see the L brackets I made in the picture. It is very sturdy. And the bottom is the same height as the bottom of the radiator to keep it as safe as possible. Still to do, install some mesh in front of the cooler.
Toughest part of the job was installing the press on lines onto the fittings. What a bear. Must be what a snake feels like when it takes on trying to eat a goat.
Second toughest part was getting a wrench on the second fitting on the sandwich plate. Just awkward and tedious.
The order I went in was.
Fit cooler with custom brackets.
Fit sandwich plate on housing, blue loctite retaining nut
Fit lines. 90 degree bend fittings on cooler. Straight fittings on sandwich plate.